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Price Increase For My Forex Training Course.

Forex trainingWell its that time of year again. 2016 is fast approaching and i have just celebrated my 50th birthday. Yeah i know i don’t look a day over 40, but my clock seems to be ticking even faster these days. Where does the time go.

On the subject of time, and the value of it, i will be increasing my prices for my training course at the end of this year. I have not had a price increase for 2 years and its long overdue. I am also getting busier with the management side of the business which is giving me less time in which i can teach.

I am giving almost 2 months notice to anyone that is thinking about taking my training and mentoring course to enable you to book my time at this years prices.

The price increase will be as follows.

The 20 hour course for experienced traders priced at at £3795, will rise to £4795.
The 40 hour course for new traders priced at £6995 will rise to £8995.

The prices for the earn while you learn, and the live trading room will stay the same.

If you want to book your spot for a January start, you can reserve your place at this years prices with a £1000 deposit.

If you want to start before January, i can probably take 1 more student for a start this year.

Please note: I am only looking for students that really want to trade at a professional level, and make a career of it. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme then this is not for you.

What i teach you will change your life, but you must be prepared to work for it.

If you want the lazy mans way to riches, please check out my managed Forex trading option.

Thank you and have a great day. 🙂

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